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demandred at
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Old November 17th, 1999, 09:51 AM
One fine day in the middle of the night, Ron Kilby <>
got up to write:

>If this is where you would like corrections posted
>I'll contribute:
>The 40K chaos list has stormbolters listed on the
>rhino where it should be combibolters. significant
>difference. I neglected to check others units and
>sources for the same minor error.

It says "Storm Bolter" in the Codex, I'm afraid, so it'll stay as a
Storm Bolter until it's Q&A'd in White Dwarf. All other units have
Combi-Bolters, though.

>The space marine vet sergeant is listed as 26 points
>where it should be 13. I know the codex is screwy and
>there is lots of debate on this one.

There is?

>But if you follow
>the pattern of ALL the other squads in all the other
>codexes it follows that you buy the squad with a
>sergeant at the normal points cost and then upgrade
>it, by a set points cost, to a vet. I believe army
>builder assigns the 26 on top of the 13 already paid
>for the sergeant making the 4+ save scout sergeant the
>most highly price vet in the whole bloody game at a
>whopping 39 points.

As far as I can see, the Scout Veteran Sergeant costs 26 points, not 39.
Are you sure you didn't give him an extra 13 points of equipment, or

>Also the option for having the scout sergeant equipped
>with a sniper rifle is not available where it should
>be. The entry states that ANY model in the squad may
>exchange their weapons for a sniper rifle.

Open the Space Marine codex and turn to the page just before the army
list with the points costs for Wargear on it. Turn back one page, and
look at the bottom right area of the right-hand page. It should be
explained there.

I can't even remember what it says any more, but it's satisfied everyone
else who's asked.

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