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Old February 15th, 2010, 02:55 PM
The Beastman Asset grants Danger Sense, so I'd suggest opening a copy of Beastman within the assets tab of the editor. There, you'll see that the "Bootstraps" button on the top right is highlighted, and says that there are 8 bootstraps. Press that button, and you can see how Danger Sense is added. Now for the complex part - making this copy of Danger Sense cost 0 trait points.

Press the "Tags" button associated with Danger Sense, and you'll see that two tags are added: "Die.0" and "FreeDie.2". Die.0 means add the option for that asset to go to d0. What that means: let's say you wanted to play a Bestman who was unusually unaware compared to his kin. So, you might purchase the Bestman package, and then switch the level of Danger Sense to d0 - that will recover the trait point cost for Danger Sense and grey out Danger Sense. Since your cybernetics aren't going to include the option to buy off the assets they grant, you don't need to include the Die.0 tag.

The FreeDie.2 tag means to reduce the cost of the trait by 2 (remember from reading the editor manual - Traits in Cortex are stored as half the value, so FreeDie.2 means that the d4 level of Danger Sense is free).

For future reference, also take a look at the Fields button for Enhanced Senses or Inherent Weapons - that's how to pre-fill the text box for a free trait.

Don't forget to delete the copy of Beastman you just added, or you'll encounter errors next time you try to compile the files.
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