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Old February 12th, 2010, 07:41 AM
I guess what I had been initially looking for was both the armor scores (I had pictured it looking like this: Defence 1(1/2). But if it causes spacing problems that makes it undoab;e that is understandable. I know that I've had problems with some character names and Pledge names being too long and when it prints out they print out in font so small that it is not only unreadable but messes up the print alignment for everything else on that line, making parts of the sheet unreadable.

What do you mean by the "actual delta"?

Would there be a way for me to maybe change the layout of the print page so that the "combat" section and "Armory" section are closer together? Or maybe some how have the things from the combat section listed in with the Armory? I figure that ones a long shot, but intuitivly it seems like the two sections are so alike they should either be next to each other or part of the same list.

It also could just be that my Changling group is a much more physical/combat oriented group than others and this isn't a very frequent issue.

Also as a side note my players initially had a lot of confusion over wether they needed to manually modify the defence penalty caused by the armor they were wearing because in the Armory section after the defece rating it says Df:-1 or what ever is appropriate. I know they don't need to, and that Hero Lab auto does it for them, I was wondering how ever if this was a common confusion among users of the print out? At first glance it seems odd to have that mod. written out on the sheet when it's already applied. It seems... inconsistent with outer things on the print out, like the way everything else in the armory already has the dice pool total and so do all the rolls.
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