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Old February 12th, 2010, 05:47 AM
I am not sure, based on your description, if I am experiencing the same problem as you. However, the problem I am having *does* deal with the Wizard bonus spells:

Steps to Recreate:
  • Create a wizard of any race and alignment (I've tried all the races, just to see if there was a specific bug)
  • Add at least 1 level of wizard
  • Click the Wizard tab
  • Click "Add level 0, 1 specialized spells."

Expected result:
All levels of bonus spells are available to choose from

Actual result:
There are three or four 0-level spells available and no others.

If I level the character to higher levels (our campaign is at 8th level), I get the exact same spell list of three or four spells.

I can recreate this on both my laptop and my desktop, both of which are running Windows 7 with all updates from Microsoft. The laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1520 with a 2.2gHz processor and 2 gigs of ram. The desktop is a home-built 2.8gHz processor with 3 gigs of ram. Both systems have over 3/4 of their hard drive space free.


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