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Problem updating


New member
Every time I try and update my army builder it downloads the update and then says it will apply the update and the new version will restart automatically. However, after I hit OK to this nothing happens. Army builder does not apply the update and it does not restart no matter how much time is given. I use windows vista and it doesn't prompt me to allow the change or anything like that.

Can I get some help? It doesn't matter what update it is, none of it works.
This is an issue with security restrictions under Windows. When security settings are high, AB tells Windows to launch the newly downloaded installer and Windows simply ignores the request. We think we've figured out a solution to this that was added in the V3.2b release for AB, but it's a problem until that release is installed.

The solution is to run AB with Administrator privileges, which will ensure Windows handles things properly. Locate the shortcut you usually use to launch AB (probably within the Start menu). Instead of the usual left-click to launch AB, right-click on it instead. When the menu appears, select the "Run as Administrator" option. Then go through the update download process again. This time, the new version should install properly, since sufficient privileges will be enabled.

If you want to always run AB with Administrator privileges and avoid issues like this, repeat the above process. However, select the "Properties" option from the menu instead. Then click on the Compatibility tab and check the box labeled "Run as Administrator". Save the changes. Thereafter, AB will always be launched with Administrator privileges.