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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 55

Old September 7th, 2009, 12:11 PM
I'm trying to add a new mechanic called a "Combat Reaction". It comes out of the Trailblazer system and basically is a class of actions that players can take at any time during a combat under certain conditions. Attacks of Opportunity fall into the mechanic (as does "aid another", etc.)

The system limits the number of Combat Reactions based on BAB and a couple of Feats (Combat Reflexes, primarily.) I'd like to keep track of that in HL, but at the least I'd like a spot to store the number and track it's use every round.

Any suggestions how to do this? I thought about using the Counter in the Adjustments tab, but would like a way to build it in. But I'm guessing I'd need access to the Character Sheet to actually add it, right?

Oh, and almost all of the Trailbalzer rule-set is Open Content.

Last edited by Micco; September 7th, 2009 at 12:14 PM.
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