Thread: 4e in Demo mode
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 52

Old August 21st, 2009, 06:12 PM

I purchased Hero Lab at GenCon to use for 4e character generation. I've entered my license code and downloaded the 4e content using my D&DI account. However, there are some issues. The two most obvious are:

1) It says that I'm only in demo mode. I've gone through the license activation more than once, just to be sure. Since I specifically asked for a license to use with 4e, what's up? Why am I in "demo mode"?

2) Even though the "notes" on the 4e data say that it includes everything up to the Divine Power update from August, I'm only given the original eight PHB character classes as choices when building a character.

There may be other issues, but those are the two most frustrating, and I'm too tired to mess with it any more tonight.

I would appreciate some guidance on how to proceed.


P.S., sent this same question to Customer Service 3 days ago...
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