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Old August 19th, 2009, 11:22 AM
Hey all, it seems my original message got chopped off, lets try it again:

Hey everyone. Well I am back from Gen Con with lots of new ideas and games to play. For those who don’t know me I am the Chiefweasel at Cheese Weasel Logistics. I have been using the Hero Lab product for about a year now and find it one of the best on the market. The only problem I have found, other than my own lack of programming skills, is the lack of D&D 3.5 content. I do not blame the Lone Wolf folks for this because the only content they can use is the content from the 3 basic D&D 3.5 books.

In order to fill in the rest of the content the user community needs to supply it. To that end, I am offering to host all user created content on my website, I have already spoken with a few of the more active members on the forums about collecting the content and everyone seems to feel that a central point it needed and would be a help to the community. Over the new week or so, or as soon as I can get to it, I will post all the files that I have created on my site. I also encourage anyone who has created files to send them along and I will post them, give you the credit.

Along with maintaining the file repository, I also would like to be able to coordinate people or groups of people to work on projects. I know that a lot of effort is being duplicated out there. there isn’t any sense to have 5 different people working on the same list of spells from the Players Handbook II. If we can connect people together the content can be produced faster and made available sooner to the entire user community.

So if anyone has any user content they would like to send along to me and have me post just send it to Be sure to include:

Your alias (I really don’t want to user people’s actual names).
The system the file is for

File Name
Books it’s From
Date file was submitted
If the File Complete/Incomplete
Contact for this project

An example is:
Prestige Class
Complete Warrior

if you wish to be included on a team of users creating content, please send along your information in the following format:

Book its from
Sub area you are working on (spells, feats…)
How far along you are with it
Your email address
Your alias

I will then take this information and connect you up with someone who will act as a team leader for the project. When the project is complete you can send the user file back to me and I’ll post it on the site. I think that’s about it. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Thanks.
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