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Old August 10th, 2009, 09:42 PM
Thanks to a lot of very hard work by Colen and Mathias, the Pathfinder RPG data files *will* be making their debug on the 13th of this month. This coincides with the official release of the game itself at GenCon. The data files will be available online, so you do *not* need to attend GenCon to get ahold of the Pathfinder files.

Due to the short time we had to develop these files (6-7 weeks), and the lack of an electronic version of the rules, there are a few known limitations regarding these initial files. Once we have an electronic version of the game and a couple extra weeks to refine the files, an update will be released that addresses these limitations.

1. The description text for just about everything will be terse or non-existent. Without access to an electronic version of the rules, we either had to re-type everything or wait until we could copy and paste it. We opted for the latter.

2. The ability to add custom content via the Editor is not yet accessible. This is always the final step with any set of data files for Hero Lab, so this hasn't been completed yet. It will work just like it does for every other game system.

3. The prestige classes are currently d20 SRD only. They have not yet been converted over to reflect the appropriate changes for Pathfinder.

4. While the vast majority of class special abilities are fully implemented, there are some that require a bit more work.

5. Animal companions and paladin mounts are not being handled properly yet.

6. Tracking of charges for in-play support has not been revised yet for Pathfinder.

That's the short list of known limitations in the initial release of the Pathfinder data files. Everything else should be in place and ready to roll on Thursday. For those of you going to GenCon, feel free to stop by our booth (#1810) and take a look at what Hero Lab can do for Pathfinder.
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