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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old May 26th, 2009, 06:27 PM
The AB engine was written to support a vastly diverse range of game systems and game mechanics. As a result, there are hundreds of different mechanisms provided, of which most game systems only need a relatively small number. The problem for a prospective author is in identifying which mechanisms those are and then deciding how best to combine them. The problem for us is that there is already a ridiculous volume of documentation in the Kit and the combinatorics of trying to document all the various combos is prohibitive.

If you are trying to write data files for a particular game system, I recommend starting a thread here on the forums where you ask for guidance. There are veteran authors here on the forums, as well as Colen and myself. We ought to be able to point you in the right direction and get you rolling.

If you do this, there are TWO requirements that you MUST adhere to. First, you will be assumed to have read the basic Kit information and be familiar with all the terminology and process of writing data files. If you ask questions that indicate you haven't read the basics in the docs, you won't get a very warm response. Second, you may know the game system in question in-depth, but the rest of us probably don't. Therefore, you need to provide us with a recap of the basic game mechanics that you're trying to model. That way, we can actually provide useful assistance. If you do both those things, we'll all do our best to point you in the right direction on stuff. :-)
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