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Old March 7th, 2024, 04:09 PM
So this needs to be operating on the familiar/animal/eidolon, and then looking up the spellbook list on that character's master. That vastly increases the complexity of this project.

You've seen in the code that we have separate tables for the spells for spellbook casters and other casters. The table setup needs to be different in each case. Yes, configurables have three spell tables, but none of them are set up to support spellbook spellcasting. Plus, even if this mechanism was available on configurables, it could not look up the spells on the master from within a minion - not in a way that would restrict the list of spells to show to those that are in the master's spellbooks - that could only work within a single character.

The cfgAllwSp1 field has a size limit of 5000 characters, so it won't work to just list all the tags of the spells the character knows - by around 10th level, the character count needed to list all the tags for every spell in a wizard's spellbook will exceed that space, and it'll start generating syntax errors.

So, what I would do here is to still use the configurable spellcasting tables, and set that up so that it gives you the proper list of spells to select from, but the overall list of what the master's class could possibly cast.

Then, once that's working, begin phase 2 and figure out how to report an error if the user selects a spell the master doesn't know. I just tried for 15m and couldn't come up with a solution for how to accomplish that. I'd need to study the project in more detail.
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