Thread: Competitors
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Old November 11th, 2023, 08:12 PM
I took a look around various places where they've said they'll make information available: their website, Kickstarter, Reddit, and Discord.

The website and Kickstarter are full of pretty pictures presented in an overly artistic style, but no substantive descriptions of how their software will work. Some features are described: typical things like links and tags and ones I haven't seen much like tracking party decisions and having that automatically reflected at other places in the adventure. They also put particular focus on tracking what multiple parties have done at the same point in the adventure, which seems like a very niche feature to me, but whatever.

Their Reddit only has cryptic image posts they've made which don't appear to relate to anything. Some are supposed to be about the Kickstarter's stretch goals, I guess?

The best source was (unfortunately) Discord, where they said explicitly that they won't have any sort of demo, video, or other more detailed information available to show their backers how they intend it to work before the end of the Kickstarter. They have answered a few questions there, at least. (Some are reflected from the Kickstarter comments.)

At present there isn't enough detail for me to want to put more time or money into looking at their project.

As far as competing, Realm Works isn't currently being developed or widely marketed so there's not much of a competition in that way. Without more concrete information on their Suite we can't make a good comparison with other existing applications and online services. The Kickstarter has already reached its goal, if that's worth anything. (It usually isn't.)

A petty annoyance: their website changes the mouse cursor to a floating <div> moved by JavaScript which contains an .svg (vector image) of a glowing green dot. CSS already allows you to set the cursor to an .svg while still letting the browser easily override it. (Accessibility settings.) :P

Last edited by Parody; November 11th, 2023 at 08:17 PM.
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