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Replace class ability


Active member
I'd like to replace a witch class ability using an archtype.

Specifically I have a custom archtype for Witch, and I want to replace Cackle. I've done some searching but am not having much luck on finding how to tell the editor to replace Cackle with my own version.

Any help would be really appreciated.

The Archetype has the option to remove class specials. Use this to remove the old Cackle, then simply bootstrap the new version to the archetype. This should replace the old Cackle with the new.
It's been too long since I've played 1st edition - is cackle a permanent part of the witch class, or something you have the option of choosing? I thought I remembered the latter, but the question seems to be implying the former, because if it's just a choice, then you just create the new one, and let the user choose either the old or new version.
Ok, in that case, when you say "replace" do you mean that if you take this archetype, then you must take this new version of cackle, but cannot take the original (or may take either, as long as you've taken this archetype)?

Or do you mean that your GM has house ruled the cackle hex to change how it works, and all witches must use the new version (and the archetype is your first thought on how to patch this new option into the existing class).