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Daniel V
Senior Member
Lone Wolf Staff
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 415

Old June 27th, 2023, 01:21 PM
So the change shape ability for lycanthropes looks at what the ability score modifier would be for the animal (plus the template's mods) and compares it to your "starting value" for the ability score (10 + things like templates and race mods), and applies its own modifier based on if the animal's would be higher to make up the difference. Issue was that the calculation was being run right before that starting value was calculated, so it was seeing basically 0s and thinking it needed to apply a LARGE modifier to make up the difference (mainly because that base 10 wasn't accounted for). Something must have changed in the timings of processing ability scores in HLO vs. HLC, but it would up being a simple fix once I tracked down the problem.
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