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Daniel V
Senior Member
Lone Wolf Staff
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 415

Old November 22nd, 2022, 08:55 AM
Alrighty, this is rolling out shortly and I wanted to give some context. As with APs in general, this includes all the character content and backmatter of the book. Namely in this case, the backgrounds, the items in Appendix 4, the creatures in Appendix 5 (as well as one of the NPCs who is thematically like creatures we enter rather than a unique NPC), and all the feats and spells and such scattered throughout the Companion Guide. We've made it all one package, even though it's two books, since it's basically a 6 issue AP of content split between them.

Kingdom tracking is not presently supported. It's on my radar as something I'd like to have us look into, but it's a pretty big thing and I haven't taken the time yet to get full context and sit down to discuss it, so no verdict on the if/when.
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