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Old May 7th, 2021, 08:48 AM
Hopefully I can explain this well. I went through and did all the creatures from the Bestiary section of the SW Pathfinder Core book. Pretty easy until I got to the Racial Ability Size.

So abSize is a default option. Bootstrap that for Bird of Prey (size-2) and put in the following values for abSize:
  • Fields Id: abilValue
  • Value: -2

Now if you look at the actual abSize you see this script:

      field[livename].text = field[name].text & " " & signed(field[abilValue].value)
    	if (hero.tagis[source.ShowSize] <> 0) then
        perform #traitadjust[trSize,+,field[abilValue].value,"Size"]
        perform #traitadjust[trTough,+,field[abilValue].value,"Size"]

Calc trtFinal
Now what you get on your creature:
  • Toughness: 5 (should be 3)
  • Size: -2 (correct)

And it also appears that SWADE has the size modify the Strength. Can't remember is this true in Deluxe. So the above bird would have Strength d4-2.

So the Toughness part of code not working correctly. And maybe it was never reflected in modifying Strength but would be nice if it did.
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