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Old June 15th, 2020, 02:04 PM
User Content - SWADE versus Deluxe.

Select the Configure Hero Window.

We have "User Content". We now have Deluxe and SWADE rules editions. Many of us appear to be converting settings to SWADE, some new settings exist ONLY in SWADE. Some groups will stick to Deluxe, so I can see the list of supported settings getting long AND confusing. How would someone know which setting supports which by just looking at the "User Content" window?

So throwing this out there, not sure how to implement really, but there could be a tag or something to add to a .1st file that separates under the "User Content" settings in a folder for Deluxe and a folder for SWADE. Users expand the top level field of Deluxe or SWADE and then can drill down and see what settings are supported across editions.

Just a thought. Even as I am converting something like Beasts & Barbarians for myself I am getting confused. I have to make a series of .1st files to keep them separate. And this setting has two different core books for Deluxe: Steel and Golden. So that is two different versions to roll over to SWADE.

Meanwhile, another setting I am working on, Crsytal Heart is only SWADE. But everything rolls up under "User Content" at the same level. I hope I am explaining this well enough to make sense
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