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Old December 30th, 2008, 03:07 PM
Subadar wrote:
> Hello All.
> I am new to these forums and new to Hero Lab. I am particularly
> interested in using it for Mutants and Masterminds, but I am not EXACTLY
> sure about a couple of things. If this is the wrong place to ask those
> questions, please forgive me and perhaps direct me to the right one.
> So, I order what seems to be the basic program and that costs 30 bucks -
> wunderbar.
> Now, with that 30 bucks, do I order stuff to handle Mutants and
> Masterminds' core rules SEPARATELY or does it come with the basic
> package? I know to get the expansion stuff its another 20 bob, that's
> fine, but I am not sure about the core rules.
> Can someone help me with that?
> Thanks a lot guys.

As other posters have stated, you get Hero Lab and one game for your $30.

Colen McAlister,
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