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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old December 12th, 2019, 12:40 PM
When the idea of player content being negligible was had, the player content in Pathfinder adventures was relatively minimal. We reached a point with Starfinder and PF2 where that wasn't the case and money would be lost trying to cling to the old ways. Adjustments had to be made to ensure enough was being earned to at least cover the cost of the time spent by our data file team.

At the same time, we didn't want to penalize players who wouldn't need the encounter libraries for the adventures so we chose to split the product allowing the players to purchase just the content relevant to them.

Stand-alone adventures are a different creature than APs. Our price for a full AP is still $24.99, we simply split off the player content and charge for it separately to benefit players. When the encounter portion is out, you'll be able to purchase both to have everything you need to run the AP and the total of the two packages will still only be $24.99.

Hope that helps!
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