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Pathfinder 1


Well-known member
Will LW continue to release updates / bug fixes to HLC now that Paizo has finished the Pathfinder 1 products? There are a few PF1 books left to release for HLC but what about after those are done?
I'll assume there won't be that many fixes, once there aren't new products being released, but also that if something is found to be buggy that it will be fixed.

At some point Pathfinder is supposed to be added to Hero Lab Online, so the product line may still generate revenue. Chances are, there won't be as many people purchasing it, once it's the older edition, but some will still be buying books and packages.

Our group has no intention of changing editions; within the last few months two of my players have picked up HLC and are periodically adding Pathfinder packages.
My group is also staying with PF1. We still have many years worth of APs left we haven't played. While I'm the only one in my group that uses HLC, I also use it to "fact check" my players' characters and my NPCs in my campaigns.
Same here... Staying with PF1 and our group is doing the same and most of the players in the group use HL/RW.
I am also in this boat. I have way too much 3.5 and PF1e material, and my group still enjoys the rule set, so there is really no incentive to move to the new edition. That and the fact that my whole group uses HLC at the table means we'll be using it for the foreseeable future.

On a related note, I really hope Paizo/Lone Wolf continue to release PF1e material into the RW Content Market. I know I would pay for the convenience of not having to copy/paste whole modules into RW (even if they just release bare-bones imports of the modules).
On a related note, I really hope Paizo/Lone Wolf continue to release PF1e material into the RW Content Market. I know I would pay for the convenience of not having to copy/paste whole modules into RW (even if they just release bare-bones imports of the modules).


I'll not be turning around and spending (another) hundreds of dollars on (another) new edition of a d20 ruleset... Been doing that for every edition since the old Blue Box, and when PF1 released I swore this was the last.

In addition to the money, I just don't have the time or mental energy to learn it all over again...
If they offer it, we'll buy it.
Realm Works modules, that is.

I'm still supporting 3pp publishers of Pathfinder 1e content on Kickstarter and Indigogo.
We will absolutely continue to release updates/bug fixes for HLC even after we finish updating with the final products. It's not going anywhere.