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Old May 6th, 2019, 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
Do you have a monitor that's not very wide, or do you open HL in a window (not full screen), and keep it rather narrow? All characters with a non-zero amount of gear will show this, but it's the last entry on the top bar, and if there's not enough width to show them all, HL will start hiding from the right-hand end of the list of things it can display there, and things like having several classes with several archetypes can take up a lot of room, possibly pushing the gear value off the screen.
So it's automatic. Nice.

You gave me the clue I needed. The problem file has a Dashboard for an additional character (a pet). When I expanded to full screen the Gear Value bit showed up. I'll remember that for the future. Thank you!

- Andrew <:-(}
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