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Old March 11th, 2019, 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by joe2chillo View Post
I am still trying to work through some of these HTML issues. I have found some but I am stuck on one right now. The error mentions utility.cpp but thats not a file I can see. Is there a way to debug my issue based on the error message?
The only useful(?) error is the one you reported before, "Not in a span at line 1633 in file utility.cpp". This indicates that the HTML inside a snippet is not well formed.

Using the tool to read an excel document will read in the formatting of the cell, so the bold and italic that you see in excel should translate across into your imported realm. This might help you avoid putting explicit HTML into a particular cell. Can you generate your formula using standard excel instructions to switch on bold for the prefix whilst switching it off for the rest of the cell?


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