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Old January 3rd, 2019, 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by MNBlockHead View Post
Maybe, but I really like my XPS. I avoided Dell for over 20 years after poor experiences with Dell in college, but after Lenovo bought the Thinkpad line, I was very unhappy with my most recent Thinkpad and was looking for a new computer. A sales engineer recommended the XPS, after reading up on it, I gave it a shot and have been happy overall.

My only complaint, is the keyboard. I really miss the old IBM Thinkpad keyboards. Also, I don't like not having an easily removable battery. I've never had a laptop batter last me two years and my XPS's battery is no exception. Replacing the XPS battery requires opening up the laptop. Which not only is annoying when your battery is no longer any good, but you can't pack an extra battery and swap it out.
We have just under 12k endpoints (if you can trust ePO ), and with out a doubt the worst laptops we own right now are Lenovo, and have been for several generations. Unfortunately Dell has been over the years the most reliable in both device and support. As much as I personally love the Surface, we have many slippy fingered executives, and man o man our replacement budget is scary, and it has a serious flaw in the dock with running two monitors, MS used a seriously flawed Intel chip for the dock.

Funny we do not has many battery issues any more, but they are user replaceable. I have had the same luck as you in the past personally, my own Surface Pro 3 is the first exception to that less than 2 year and battery fail rule.

Exmortis aka "Scott"
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