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Dark Lord Galen
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Old December 19th, 2018, 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by MNBlockHead View Post
For those of you who game using horizontal displays as digital battlemaps, using actual minis on top of the screen, what size monitor(s) do you use? Have you felt hampered by too small a screen? Do you find your screen to be too large and cumbersome?

Also, what are some economical monitors with shallow or no bezels.

Finally, does it make sense to spring more for 1080p over 720p?
@ MNB, for the last 9 years after building our gaming room, I converted an old dining room table (goodwill) and sunk 2 JVC Diamond displays end to end into the surface and covered with an old Shower door glass salvage. This arrangement is utilized just like you described, as a VTT with Mini's on top.

Putting the TVs end to end allowed for seating of 8 players with plenty of room. IT also gave me a map surface of 30" x 84". So runningthe VTT scale of 1"=5' (standard for most mini bases) gives you a map area of 150' x 420' for dungeon / Encounter types. So depending on how I orient the map allows for minimal mapping updates.
Down sides
>Even with the zero bezel of this particular TV choice you still have a break line from one screen to other to account for on your stretch display.
>You have a bit of refraction due to glass thickness between base of figures and grid of map on screen.
Things to Consider
>In the past I used an overhead projector, but you must consider the "throw distance" for sufficient Height to get good map size on table
>You get Shadow from projection when people move / lean things over table
>Your Lumin value must be quite high unless you play with lights dimmed.
>If projector is offset and not in center of table you need to confirm the ability to Keystone the projection.

While the TV I selected are 1080, for static display it isn't really a have to have. Another thing I would look into is not only zero bezel but where the TV vents to keep cool. Mine vent out back so having glass on top was not an issue in holding heat in.

Our Gaming Table
Old Link when Liz was here and asked about same thing>

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Last edited by Dark Lord Galen; December 19th, 2018 at 05:36 AM. Reason: Added Link on table
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