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Join Date: Oct 2018
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Old November 1st, 2018, 08:35 AM
I wasn't sure how to attach files in the forum. I've included the code from the user file.

<thing id="spJOTFaPhSc" name="Falngard&apos;s Phantom Scribe" description="You can animate a pen or quill to write. The surface upon which the quill will write can be designated by the caster. To animate the pen, the caster must focus and verbalize what the pen would write. The pen can transcribe 100 words a minute and would use the ink that is material component of the spell. The caster can pause in dictating at any time and resume as long as there is time left in the spell." compset="Spell" summary="Makes a pen write at your command.">
<fieldval field="sLGMythic" value="Your rope can extend and attack a target anywhere within the spells range. Add your mythic tier to the Armor Class, hardness, and break DC of the rope, as well as the concentration DC of a creature entangled by the rope that attempts to cast a spell. The rope gains hit points equal to your caster level plus your mythic tier."/>
<fieldval field="sTarget" value="One rope-like object, length up to 50 ft. + 5 ft./level; see text"/>
<fieldval field="sDuration" value="1 min/level (D)"/>
<fieldval field="sSave" value="None"/>
<fieldval field="sResist" value="No"/>
<fieldval field="sCompDesc" value="A bottle of ink"/>
<fieldval field="sFocusDesc" value="A pen or quill"/>
<fieldval field="sCompCost" value="8 gp"/>
<fieldval field="sFocusCost" value="1 sp"/>
<usesource source="sHouseRule" parent="UserParent" name="House Rule Content"/>
<tag group="sCastTime" tag="Action1" name="1 action" abbrev="1 action"/>
<tag group="sClass" tag="cHelpSor" name="Sorcerer" abbrev="Sorcerer"/>
<tag group="sClass" tag="cHelpWiz" name="Wizard" abbrev="Wizard"/>
<tag group="sComp" tag="S" name="Somatic" abbrev="S"/>
<tag group="sComp" tag="V" name="Verbal" abbrev="V"/>
<tag group="sComp" tag="F"/>
<tag group="sComp" tag="M"/>
<tag group="sDuration" tag="PerLevel" name="Level-based" abbrev="Level-based"/>
<tag group="sLevel" tag="0"/>
<tag group="sResist" tag="No" name="No" abbrev="No"/>
<tag group="sSave" tag="None" name="None" abbrev="None"/>
<tag group="sRange" tag="Touch"/>
<tag group="sDuration" tag="Minute"/>
<tag group="sDuration" tag="Dismiss"/>
<tag group="sDuration" tag="Concent"/>
<tag group="sSchool" tag="Transmutat" name="Transmutation" abbrev="Trans"/>
<tag group="Helper" tag="NoAutoBook"/>
<tag group="Helper" tag="CoreCampOK"/>
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