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Old September 10th, 2018, 10:23 AM
I'm not entirely sure there's much there that hasn't already been said in various places here. We are currently still on track to hit our internal deadline for launching the Content Market at the end of September. Hopefully, our luck holds! The post talks briefly about Rob's health and the October 2017- June 2018 wait on the API issues. And of course, offers apologies for past management. It also details the bulk of material having already been delivered and confirms the few items left that backers will be receiving in the future, including new books such as Creature Components for PF1 & 5E that we’re giving to backers on us. We did make the below announcement regarding The Blight that may interest non-KS backers who hoped to see it or future projects beyond Razor Coast in our stores.

After numerous delays of its own, The Blight transformed dramatically from our original understanding of the product. This was compounded by the fact that, prior to its release, we chose to stop working with Frog God Games. Consequently, we will not be offering The Blight through Realm Works. Instead, we will be issuing backers of these levels their choice of Pathfinder store content of equal value once the Content Market is launched. If you’re wondering what you might be able to replace it with, we highly recommend Curse of The Crimson Throne, The Emerald Spire Super Dungeon, or Rise of the Runelords, all of which should be available at launch.
I will be putting RW news in the upcoming Newsletter relaunch. It's very difficult to keep up with the posts here with all the other demands on my time. So even when I do stop in once a month and update the Content Market thread there are those who miss it and feel understandably neglected. Unfortunately, poor Rone can't answer many of the RW questions himself, so it still falls on me to at the very least give him the answers and make sure they're exactly as they should be.

That being said, if you have a specific question I can check in later today or tomorrow morning and answer if I can. Please be gentle. Half the reason I don't do AMA's is that I'm terrified I'll get mobbed by calendar supporters with torches and pitchforks. Kidding! I love our calendar crew!
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