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Warhammer 40k RPG Warth & Glory


Well-known member
Warhammer 40,000 is owned by Games Workshop, and they haven't shown any interest in using HL as a character generator since the RPG was released many years ago.
Hello Farling,
Thank you for the fast response. Ulisses Spiele North America, have a liscence for the new version of the RPG that was released at GenCon 2018 and will hit retail stores on Sept of 2018. The new version is called Warhammer 40k Roleplay Wrath & Glory [that is why I included those links.
I am not meaning to cause trouble I am hoping that the HL program would have a section for this game as well.
I hope this message clears up any confusion from my exited post on the 12th.
HL does not have a Warhammer 40k pack. If you want "Wrath & Glory" in Hero Lab, try emailing the publisher and asking them about Hero Lab possibilities.
You could also search (and ask) in the "User Projects" forum to see if any work on a WH40k data set has been done.
I highly doubt that this will ever happen. You best chance is to make your own pack with the Authoring kit.

I already asked about 40k by FFG packs and there is one made by a member of the community, but it seems he put copyrighted data while creating it and can't be shared.