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Old August 9th, 2018, 08:36 PM
While I didn't try using HLO during Gen Con this year (I don't play Starfinder and didn't need to make a character for my one Playtest session) I can comment a bit on Internet in the ICC and close-in northern hotels. For reference, I have an older phone on T-Mobile, which I sometimes use for a hotspot for my Windows tablet.

I've had decent luck the last couple of years on the upstairs edges in the ICC; HLO users are probably getting helped quite a bit by the Paizo events being in the Sagamore.

I've never had good reception in the covered rooms on the first floor and this year was no exception. I've had mixed luck in recent years in the Exhibit Halls, but unfortunately I didn't use the Internet on my phone there this year.

Many of the hotels nowadays are giving free WiFi in the lobby areas. We were in the Westin this year and had free WiFi in the sleeping rooms as well. In previous years I have had no luck using phone-based internet during the day and early evening in my hotel room.

Last edited by Parody; August 10th, 2018 at 06:40 AM.
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