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Old August 5th, 2018, 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Toblakai View Post
I suspect these people are the same disgruntled forum users Whining where ever they can. Hopefully they delete these posts from FB. The negativity of a couple people can harm the company on FB.
Censoring negative reviews would be a horrible step, improving the products regularly and doing things to keep your customers happy is always better.

People that defend LW and its products always say that the "negative minority" flood the forums, FB and elsewhere and ruin it for everyone. You ever take a moment to think that if the company was doing everything right the positive reviews would flood the negative. Maybe the "LW is perfect" crowd is actually the minority on this?

I love HLC for character management - it has the best leveling and validity checks - I recommend it regularly. I can't do the same for HLO, especially since it only support 2 systems and one of those isn't even a finalized product. I like RW for what it promised to be, but what it is now I can't put a great spin on it anymore. Both HLC and RW need some UI updating to get them to the current expected polish that other competing products are at.
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