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Old July 20th, 2018, 06:27 AM
So. What else should we do?

Haven't heard a peep from LWD. Complained about that a number of times recently but either no one at LWD is reading the forums, no one at LWD cares, or it's *still* corporate policy to not update the few remaining users who care about the product as it has been since the product was released *years ago*.

Seriously. When are you folks going to start smartening up about updates? "Still working on it! Going well!" sucks, but it's better than what you've been doing for 5 years. As you have been asked to do for many of those years.

But still we get nothing, so the forums go silent for a little while, then someone posts something and we all complain for a little while and then it ends in a little battle and there's a reminder to be polite and then back to complete radio silence.

Seriously, what does it take to get through to you folks that no updates is BAD?

In the absence of ANYTHING from the company, please don't be surprised when other things happen here.
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