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V2.1 Released - Mutants & Masterminds Public Preview


Staff member
I'm happy to let you all know that we've released the new V2.1 update
for Hero Lab. The single most important detail about this release is
that it includes the long-awaited public preview of the data files
for Mutants & Masterminds. In addition, we've added a variety of new
capabilities for the existing d20 System and World of Darkness games,
as well as made major refinements towards getting the Authoring Kit
completed. You can get the V2.1 release from our website or via the
integrated Updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

Here's a summary of the some of the key things we've added in V2.1...

1. The Mutants & Masterminds public preview is now available for
everyone to play with. We're working to have the M&M data files ready
for release by Origins (i.e. just two weeks away).
2. You can now duplicate a hero with just a few mouse clicks. This
makes creating NPCs and customizing them even easier than before.
3. Printing and previewing are faster and more flexible, and the
printing of color images is significantly clearer than before.
4. For all game systems, the Tactical Console now allows direct
editing of various in-play information beyond just damage, along with
the inclusion of notes about each hero that make it easy for GMs to
track special details about each character.
5. For d20, all of the content from Pathfinder 8 and 9 is now included.
6. For d20, all of the level 1-20 stock NPCs from the 8 core classes
are now included to make life easy for GMs. You can import these via
"Import Stock Hero" option under the Portfolio menu.
7. For d20, added an "Show Feat / Ability Descriptions" output
ruleset. When enabled, up to 3 lines of notes is shown under each
feat or special ability on the character sheet.
8. Fixed a variety of bugs, both within the various game systems and
within Hero Lab itself.

For complete details, please see the readme file with the product
and/or the FAQ for the data files of each game system.

May the dice be with you!

Rob Bowes (rob@wolflair.com) (408) 927-9880
Lone Wolf Development www.wolflair.com
I've got a bug to report.

I built the Duplicator character from Instant Superheroes, p. 23. The character has the following power:

Duplication 10 (Extras: Action[Move], Horde, Survival; Power Feats: Mental Link, Sacrifice, Progression 4 [25 duplicates])

When building this power in Hero Lab, I noticed that there was a modified Progression power feat that counted the number of duplicates. But when I took that feat, I got the following validation error:

Entity 'Unnamed' - Horde: Requires Progression power feat.

The error disappeared when I replaced the custom Progression feat with the standard Progression feat. I think the Horde extra should require the custom version of Progression instead of the standard version.

Edit: Found the bug, and a fix.

The horde extra has the following pre-requisite:

@valid = pickexists[pfProgress]

Changing it to this should fix the problem:

@valid = pickexists[pfDupProg]

Happy to help. :twisted:
At 08:02 PM 6/11/2008, you wrote:
I've got a bug to report.
Please report data file bugs within the appropriate forum for the game system. It makes things much easier for us to monitor and manage, which in turn increases the speed with which we can get stuff done - such as getting the M&M files finished off and released. :-)

Thanks in advance for helping us out!
Hi! I got Hero Lab back in December, but as I haven't been playing in any 3.5 games, I've been waiting for the M&M dataset (game started this month, so great timing!). So I haven't really used the product before and maybe I'm missing something, but I can't get the print preview to work.

I understand the demo/preview restricts printing and saving, but when I select the Print Preview (no matter what dataset I'm in, including 3.5 which is what I have licensed), nothign happens. I can print out from 3.5, and export to pdf. Just no Print Preview.

Am I missing something?


I can confirm that I have the same error on my computer. I have XP w/ service pack 2, in case that helps.

Print preview doesn't do anything from d20, WoD, or M&M (and my d20 and WoD files are licensed), but print works from d20 and WoD.
At 01:07 PM 6/12/2008, you wrote:
Hi! I got Hero Lab back in December, but as I haven't been playing in any 3.5 games, I've been waiting for the M&M dataset (game started this month, so great timing!). So I haven't really used the product before and maybe I'm missing something, but I can't get the print preview to work.

I understand the demo/preview restricts printing and saving, but when I select the Print Preview (no matter what dataset I'm in, including 3.5 which is what I have licensed), nothign happens. I can print out from 3.5, and export to pdf. Just no Print Preview.
Well, Print Preview *should* be working. It works fine for me on two computers - my dev system *and* a separate machine. So I'm not sure what the issue is. We'll have to look into this and get it resolved.

Are there folks out there for whom Print Preview *is* working? If so, let us know. We need to figure out what the difference is between systems for those with it working and those with it failing. Until we do that, it's going to be nearly impossible to figure out what's actually wrong.

Thanks in advance for everyone's help in trying to figure out the source of the problem!
Its working for me.

I have an XP Service Pack 3 system. If you need more info please let me know.

The Stat Blocks Summary did freeze HL up solid though. I had to close it in TM and restart.
Re: V2.1 Released - Mutants & Masterminds Public Preview

rob said:
We need to figure out what the difference is between systems for those with it working and those with it failing.

I'm running XP SP2. My printer is an HP 1210v, if that makes a difference.
I hadn't known that SP3 was available (windows update hadn't notified me it existed since my dozenth version of the validation tool hadn't been installed). Unfortunately, the print preview still doesn't work after updating that.

The print preview option from the menu and the print preview button within the print dialog just don't seem to do anything - I tried it while watching the performance graph in task manager, and there was no evidence of anything happening when I tried a print preview.

mgehl said:
I can confirm that I have the same error on my computer. I have XP w/ service pack 2, in case that helps.

Print preview doesn't do anything from d20, WoD, or M&M (and my d20 and WoD files are licensed), but print works from d20 and WoD.
I updated my secondary license on my laptop, and Print Preview works there. Also XP SP2. Still nothing on the primary machine, though. Weird.
One thing to not that print preview in windows depends on driver files of the printer you are currently using. making it especially difficult to create a print preview for ever printer on the market, so it may be that just a few driver files for specific printers are having issue with the print preview feature.
Print Preview worked fine for me until I updated to Hero Lab 2.1. I tried Print Preview with both old d20 portfolios and a brand new d20 portfolio after restarting Hero Lab. I tried both Print Preview from the File menu and the Preview button in the Print Portfolio pop up, and nothing seems to trigger a visible preview.

I am currently running Windows XP SP 3 and have the latest drivers for HP LaserJet 2100 and HP OfficeJet 7410 All-in-One. The laser jet is the default printer, but I also tried setting the ink jet as default with no luck either.
By the way, I check the Windows Task Manager and nothing new starts up when I try print preview. Since I never really checked with a previous version of Hero Lab, I don't know whether this is normal. CPU usage did briefly go from 0% to 1% (which could easily be attributed to using the menu). Hope that helps.