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Old March 22nd, 2018, 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Anderlorn View Post
Thank you

1. SoP - Expanded Options (v1.0, 2 files)
2. SoP (v1.24, 36 files)
3. SoP - Epxanded Options (v1.7, 2 files)
4. Pathfinder Pack (1.16, 522 files)
5. PF Gestalt (v1.1, 6 files)
6. World is Square House Rules (v1.3, 2 files)
As EldritchWeaver notes, Expanded Options showing up twice is odd. I would delete the 1.0 one for sure. That's probably not the cause of this particular problem, but it may well cause other headaches for you down the road.

Your core package being at version 1.24 is definitely a problem, though. You mentioned previously that you had set up the update mechanism, so if HL isn't asking you to update SoP when you first start up the Pathfinder system, then you'll want to initiate an update manually.

Bring up the Updates menu (either using the Find Updates button when HL first starts up and asks you to pick a game system, or with the View Updates menu option at the upper right when you're in Pathfinder) and look for the Spheres of Power entry (just Spheres of Power, not Expanded Options). Click on the entry to highlight it and then press Download. It should show you the patch notes and take you through the installation process.

That will probably take care of this. If not, let me know and we'll take a look to ensure that your update source is set up correctly.
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