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Old April 25th, 2008, 01:11 PM
At 05:45 AM 4/20/2008, you wrote:
The core material for one WoD line as an add-on for someone who already has another one (e.g. adding CtL when you already own VtR) will ideally be less expensive than the normal entry price of $20. The exact pricing of the CtL bundle will be discussed with the folks from White Wolf on Monday, so we'll hopefully have an answer coming out of the tradeshow this week.
It looks like the CtL package will be priced between $10-15 for users who already have the VtR material. The exact number needs to be finalized still, but it will defintely be less than the initial buy-in for VtR/WoD. For folks who don't play VtR, they can enter with the CtL/WoD combination for $20, just like entering with VtR/WoD. If they later change their mind and want to add the VtR material, the price point will be the same $10-15 amount. The same model would apply to all subsequent WoD lines as well.
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