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Old April 20th, 2008, 05:04 AM
At 08:21 AM 4/18/2008, you wrote:
Also, side note, Constance will NOT show up in the Activated Abilities section so that I can check the +Resolve that it gives. That and I can't figure out which tag Willpower is to adjust that when Resolve goes up.
Only discipline LEVELS will show up in the Activated Abilities list. For example, look at Celerity as an example. Celerity consists of both a Discipline AND a singel Discipline Level. In the discipline level entry within the Editor, there is the field in the list labeled "Show as Activated Ability?". Make sure to check the box for this option and the discipline level should appear in the activated abilities list.

If that didn't prove helpful, I'm going to need additional details about what you're doing and what behaviors are/aren't working in order to provide useful assistance.

I'm not actually familiar with the Constance discipline, so I'm not exactly sure what effect you're trying to achieve. If you increase the Resolve attribute, your Willpower will automatically go up, so it sounds like all you should need to do is increase the Resolve and you'll be good to go. Or am I missing something?
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