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Old January 1st, 2018, 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Acenoid View Post
Maybe just time to play a predefined adventure or have a break? Or try a different system for some time? Is it really a writers block or is it less interest because the number of hours spent on huge projects? Maybe in a few months when you have tried something different, your mind will be filled with new ideas
In terms of writer's block, predefined adventures aren't much better for me. I have to figure out how to adapt it to my world and my players. I have 5 to 7 characters (depending on who shows up) who've been playing at 11th level, and I just bumped them up to 12th.

I'm use "writer's block" as a general term for not being able to write, whatever the root cause. When that happens, one of the things that helps me is to unplug for a bit, go for walks, hit a quiet room at the library, write with actual pen and paper, things like that.

When I sit at a computer, there are the distractions of how to arrange snippets, what topics to enter and when, then there's email, facebook, youtube, wikipedia, d20pfsrd, ebooks, etc.

When I unplug and sit down with pen and paper, it's just me and the pen and paper.
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