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Old December 29th, 2017, 02:17 PM
I think its personal preference, but you are right that to put all this in to a single realm would be unmanageable.

I have one realm per AP.
I had two Ideas, still working on them to be honest.

First Idea was to go through and look at the monsters and anything that was referenced to one of the other source books (luckily I only have older AP's right now) and created an article for them.

I then would tag them for export and then reimported them for the next AP. The idea was to build a common use export that had things like the standard goblins, orcs, rings of protection etc etc that are common across a lot of the AP's.

My second Idea was to just hyperlink anything through to the online SRD. Works well when I have internet connection

Haven't landed on which idea is any better or worse than the other. I am sure there are much more proficient people here that have better ideas than me.

Hope that gives you some ideas.
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