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Old October 3rd, 2017, 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by Toblakai View Post
I don't think they care about people having pictures or google cache. I have been on many forums and when a thread gets toxic and serves no use the threads get deleted. It's a very common thing in forums.

They are not hiding that they are late, you can find that info everywhere. But a thread dedicated to it is not needed.
Interesting opinion.

I read the thread last night and was interested in how LWD would answer, didn't see a thread deletion coming at all.

What annoys me is your declaration of that thread being toxic.
That wasn't toxic, if anything it was medium to severe disappointment.
No names were called, no-one was verbally or physically threatened.

If anything it was more a wake-up call to LWD that several customers, I'd even go so far as to say loyal customers, are exasperated.
So saying that the thread was of no use is a misconception.

I myself rarely comment on the forums, I'm more of a lurker, but now I'd like to go on record here as saying that I am quite peeved at the lack of reaction we RW customers are getting.

Also I read in a thread in the HeroLab Support forum:

Originally Posted by Rob: View Post
Subject: Why did we dive into creating Hero Lab Online while Realm Works was still not complete?

The answer to this one is simple. Hero Lab pays the bills and there was a solid business case for pursuing Hero Lab Online.

The development of Realm Works is subsidized by revenues from Hero Lab. Until that changes, Hero Lab will remain our top priority, and any other pursuit is inherently secondary. For those who have voiced displeasure about our prioritization of the Content Market over other features for Realm Works, that dependency remains a critical factor. Once the Content Market brings in sufficient revenue to make Realm Works entirely self-sufficient, the dynamic between the two products completely changes. That’s why the Content Market has been our focus.

We’ve been talking about Hero Lab Online for a few years now. We even delayed starting work on it due to my desire to focus on Realm Works, much to the chagrin of some around here. However, we reached a point where the business case for Hero Lab Online trumped my desire to complete Realm Works first, so we had to move forward on it. While the Hero Lab and Realm Works teams are substantially distinct, there is some overlap (our server guru and me). Assigning those two resources to Hero Lab Online slowed things down further for Realm Works. It was a tough choice for me, personally, but it was necessary. Thankfully, we’re almost across the finish line on the Realm Works Content Market, and Hero Lab Online is coming together nicely. So we’re in good shape with both products.
This was from 6. September. Now I rarely go into the HeroLab forums, so why wasn't this posted also in the Realmworks forums. The thing is, I understand this, if you need to keep LWD running with HeroLab to fund RW then go for it. But please, please tell us. I, and others, have kept the faith so long, please don't abuse it.

So, having got that off my chest, I hope this will not be declared "toxic" and get deleted. [/s]

Last edited by Farnaby; October 3rd, 2017 at 08:29 AM. Reason: Spelling
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