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Old October 3rd, 2017, 03:46 AM
Release 1.20 - October 2nd, 2017

Enhancements & Changes
  • 3.0 - Book of Vile Darkness: Updated all spells and domains to meet new standards. Obsoleted old spells. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Adventurer: Obsoleted old spells. Updated Vigilante spell list. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Arcane: Obtain Familiar now allows user to select which class gets the familiar. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Arcane: Updated Warmage and Wu Jen spell lists; obsoleted old spells. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Champion: Spiritual Connection class variant now provides SLA's in Spells tab and properly tracks their usage. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Dungeonscape: Factotum improved to have all skills as class skills, including any new skills that get added in the future or by users. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Fiendish Codex 2: Hellfire Warlock was sometimes removing the ability to select Invocations. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Frostburn: Updated Winter domain and obsoleted old domain spells. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Heroes of Horror: Added notes to the Corruption and Depravity adjustments to indicate users should turn on the Tainted condition to receive the full benefits. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Players Handbook 1: Obsoleted all remaining replacement spells. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Races of the Dragon: Added script to Draconic Legacy which adds spells to Sorcerer spell list based on chosen dragon type. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Spell Compendium: Transferred domains to this file, updated them to match new format. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Tome of Magic: Shadow Familiar now grants the Shadowcaster a familiar. Users will need to add the Dark Template manually. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Tome of Magic: Shadowcasters can now substitute their ability to cast 2nd-level mysteries for one of the spellcasting requirements for Mystic Theurge. Note: Characters must qualify for at least one spellcasting requirement before replacing the other with this ability. (Sendric)
  • Custom - Core Book Mods: Added a new version of Smite Evil which assigns appropriate User tags for use with pre-reqs. (Sendric)
  • Custom - Sources: Added new source tags for Corruption and Sanctified spells. Users will need to select these sources before spells of these types will appear in character spell list. (Sendric)
  • DL - Campaign Setting: Added description and type specials to Fetch race. (Sendric)
  • Various - Updated references to obsolete spells. (Sendric)
  • Various - Added spells to Spellthief spell list. (Sendric)

Bug Fixes
  • 3.5 - Book of Exalted Deeds: Sword of Righteousness and Fist of Raziel PrC's were popping errors due to errant SpecSource tags being applied to the class helper things. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Arcane: The Warlock class' Detect Magic at-will ability was appearing on the Background tab under Racial Abilities. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Arcane: Sublime Chord was popping an error when selected if Bardic Music wasn't already on the character. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Arcane: Sublime Chord spell progression matrix was incorrect. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Arcane: The Warlock's Eldritch Blast was not improving when taking a PrC that increases spellcasting. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Champion: Spiritual Connection class variant was not properly removing Wild Empathy (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Champion: Paragnostic Apostle/Initiate PrC's had a capitalization error in one of their pre-reqs resulting in a failure to validate. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Drow of the Underdark: Arachnid Rod was missing a price. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Dungeonscape: Arcane Dilletante spell list incorrectly included spells with an XP cost, and each spell was listed twice. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Races of Destiny: Able Learner was allowing characters to take Skill Tricks with 1 point instead of 2. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Tome of Magic: Selecting any number of Shadowcaster Mysteries was popping an error about having too many Mysteries assigned. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Tome of Magic: The Extra Fundamental Mystery was adding the ability to take an additional fundamental too late and caused an error. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Tome of Magic: Unveil pre-req for ability to cast 5th-level mysteries was incorrect. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Unearthed Arcana: Drow spell-like abilities were not appearing in spells tab. (Sendric)
  • Custom - Dragon Magazine: Ordinator was missing class skills. (ErinRigh)
  • Custom - Spell Like Abilities: Some SLA's were appearing in the Background tab under Racial Abilities. (Sendric)
  • Custom - Universal Specials: Undead type was not removing CON score. (Sendric)
  • DL - Campaign Setting: Fetch race was popping an error when selected. (Sendric)
  • FR - Champions of Ruin: Initiate of Shar was not properly assigning additional spells. (Sendric)
  • Ravenloft - Champions of Darkness: Mechanical Aptitude was popping an error caused by a pre-req. (Sendric)

Data File Authoring
  • 3.0 - Book of Vile Darkness: Added Ur-Priest PrC. (ErinRigh)
  • 3.0 - Oriental Adventures: Added all remaining items. (Illyahr)
  • 3.5 - Book of Exalted Deeds: Added all remaining items. (Illyahr)^
  • 3.5 - Complete Arcane: Added feats Collegiate Wizard and Precocious Apprentice. (Sendric)
  • 3.5 - Complete Divine: Contemplative PrC added. (ErinRigh)
  • 3.5 - Epic Level Handbook: Added some PrC's, feats, and monster race Abomination, Infernal. (ErinRigh)
  • Custom - Online Content: Added Witch base class. (Sendric)
  • FR - Champions of Ruin: Added Justice of Weald and Woe Prc and some spells. (Dark_Soul)
  • FR - Races of Faerun: Added Fey'ri race. (Dark_Soul)

New Files Added
  • Greyhawk - Greyhawk Gazeteer: Includes deities. (Dami)#
  • Greyhawk - LGC Greyhawk Deities: Includes deities. (Dami)
  • L5R - Rokugan Campaign Setting: Includes everything. (Illyahr)

Files Removed
  • 3.5 - Spell Compendium Domains: Obsoleted all spells. Updated and transferred domains and specials to 3.5 - Spell Compendium. (Sendric)

  • * Monster races that have been updated for stock portfolios will no longer have feats and weapons bootstrapped (except for some bonus feats). This will make the races more customizable. Portfolios will include all feats and weapons found in the source books.

Known Issues
  • ^Skylord has a new companion type based on the companion being a flying mount. Details are under the class feature "Call Flying Mount"
  • ^Stalker of Karash casts like a Ranger or adds its class level to ranger for spellcasting. Currently only has its own casting (does not add to Ranger yet).
  • ^Hollyphant gets separate damage depending on whether it's in its alternate form or not.
  • # Does not include Raxivort.

Last edited by Sendric; October 3rd, 2017 at 04:07 AM.
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