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Old September 8th, 2017, 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Alewis View Post
Just remember, "New Coke" was a colossal failure.
New Coke was a failure because they took away the product millions were used to drinking and gave them no choice but to drink the new product or go somewhere else.

Learning from that Coke Classic was brought back until the new Coke product was dropped and Coke Classic became just Coke again.

However, further learning from that produced wildly successful product lines that are actually better representation of what is going on with Hero Lab. Diet Coke, Coke Zero, and a few other minor variations are enormously successful and run concurrent with the primary Coke line.

So HLC (Coke Classic) will continue, but HLO (call it Diet Coke/Coke Zero for comparison only not that it is anything less than the classic version) will continue and hopefully be wildly successful. Who knows what the future holds for both product lines, but in business the one that generates the most income will eventually win out and we have solid assurances from a reputable company that all of our investments in HLC so far will not be wasted.

I for one trust them and look forward to it with anticipation.

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