Thread: Starfinder
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Old September 3rd, 2017, 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by RavenX View Post
The coding team is small, this isn't a company the size of google or facebook with hundreds of code monkey slinging code all day. And Rob doesn't have that kind of financial backing to hire hundreds of people either.

Frankly, I find Lone Wolf hits their targets within reasonable time frames.

It's nothing like say, Onyx Path publishing who took in over half a million dollars on kickstarter for Exalted 3rd edition and missed the marks they promised by 3 years and only just recently hired new writers to pick up the slack... Frankly, Lone Wolf missing a release by a month or two is far easier to cope with than waiting 3-4 years past a kickstarter goal date for a book you paid in full for three years before the missed deadline. I'd say waiting an extra month or two is fair on hero lab. It's not fun to wait, but there are worse things you could be waiting on.
I just think that I (and others) would be a lot happier if maybe HLC had all the character creation components and the shipbuilding was in HLO. That being said, the rules for Starfinder are VERY similar to the old Starjammer books and until I stopped working on it because of LWD's Starfinder announcement, I was quite successful in implementing the ship-building rules of Starjammer using a variant of the Eidolon Mechanics. It just treated the ship like an eidolon/animal companion as far as the software is concerned, the hull was a race and the systems were an treated like an eidolon upgrade.
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