Thread: Starfinder
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Old August 31st, 2017, 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Toblakai View Post
Until you need to switch computers or you upgrade your PC/windows and need to renew your license.

But you said you don't deal with a company that doesn't have a policy for hacking and backup, but you have Herolab, so you obviously break that rule.

So it seems you trust LWD here, so there is no point in not trusting them for HLO.
Switching computers is an existing feature with proven functionality.

This as opposed to the slipping release dates for the initial release of RealmWorks, and the slipping release dates for the content market, and the lack of custom calendars.

And now, with Hero Lab, we've gone from Starfinder being announced for the end of August to possibly never.

You're comparing a long-standing, proven, reliable feature to a complete paradigm shift (that demands new investments) from a company who, over the last few years, has had constantly moving goal posts.

Hero Lab, as it stands, is a good product. Best in class.
RealmWorks, as it stands, is a good product. Best in class.

The fact is, though, there are people still waiting (after how many years?) for RealmWorks features that were promised in the Kickstarter. And in the midst of that angst, they're announcing a paradigm shift in their flagship product with features that are coming "soon" after cancelling (not just postponing, but cancelling) their previously announced release of Starfinder for Hero Lab.

You expect this to inspire trust in me?

And that's my last word on this topic. I'm not going to drag this out into another big kerfuffle.
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