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Old August 13th, 2017, 05:22 AM
Hi Together,

I know realm-works from a player perspective and certainly do enjoy it. In near future, I'd like to game-master a new pathfinder campaign.

And I'd like to use realm-works as well.

However, due to my job and my newborn, I've not the time to prepare the content. It's a huge effort to create the database of an adventure path like "Rise of the Runelords". It would take me days, which I simply do not have.

My questions:

Can I buy the Rise of the Runelord content for realm-works?
If not, are there any other pathfinder adventure paths for realm-works which I can use/buy?

Any help is appreciated, I'd really like to use realm-works as a helper but not able to prepare the content.

Thanks and regards from Austria,
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