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Old July 30th, 2017, 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Madmaxneo View Post
The issue is I already have all the skills input and if I can move them to a "Skill/Ability" Container then I would be adding an unnecessary level to the tree as it is.
Personally I would consider the Category groupings the unnecessary level. (You can turn them off by setting the Navigation View/Similar Topic Grouping preference to "By Simple Grouping".)

Here's the Skills section of my Paranoia realm, showing a stub of the Energy Weapons skill (since I apparently never went back and updated the earliest skills I entered after changing their Category definition. Oops!)

Skill Tree.png

Here I've put all of the Skills and Specialties (Stats and Skills, respectively, in most other RPGs) into a hierarchy. The top-level Article is a Generic Ability Article, while I created custom Categories for the Skills and Specialties. In addition to giving you a link destination, it gives you a place to put general information for the contained items.

Originally Posted by Madmaxneo View Post
Now only if clinking the link would actually take you to the area in the link on the side bar also.
The problem is that the target isn't in the current navigation, whether because it's in a different View or because you've filtered what you're seeing. The command to reveal it won't do anything for the same reason.

There are a lot of edge cases, but (as someone who is almost always in the World Almanac or Mechanics Reference) I'd prefer it worked something like this:

If the Navigation is showing one of the global "views" (World Almanac/Mechanics Reference/Storyboard/User Notes), there's no filter, and the link target is in a different global "view", switch to reveal the new item without asking.

Otherwise, ask (with a "don't show again" checkbox) to do the minimum necessary to reveal the new item, in roughly this order:

- Turn off the filter that hides the item.
- Switch to the related global "view" for the current View.
- Switch to any other global "view".

Even if they don't want to implement this when following a link, the explicit show command (Ctrl-=) should tell you why the item can't be revealed and/or do the above.

Originally Posted by Madmaxneo View Post
BTW, attaching screenshots is a real pain on these forums, it can only be so big, then it has to be certain dimensions.....
While they are arbitrary, I like the limitations in a way; they hopefully make you think about what you're trying to show people and resize your windows or crop/resize your screenshots. You can always put your image elsewhere and link to it if you need full resolution for something.

Last edited by Parody; July 30th, 2017 at 05:49 PM.
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