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Old December 13th, 2007, 01:52 PM
lazarus wrote:
> I'm doing some testing, to see how things are going to work. By that, I
> mean I'm implementing a skeleton for the Nothrog race and the Assassin
> class in the Warlords game. I have three issues:
> 1) I can't figure out how to change a class's hit die type - what I mean
> by this, is that the Nothrog Assassin has a d8 hit die rather than the
> d6 of everyone else. I don't want to clone classes, as there's only 3
> abilities that are different for each. If this capability doesn't exist
> in the default d20 dataset, how would I go about making it go?

Do you mean that a Nothrog assassin has a d8 hit die, but all other
assassins of other races have a d6 hit dice?

I think the easiest way to handle this would be to create a new "Class
Level" entry for the Nothrog assassin. Create the assassin as normal,
with a d6 hit dice, then go to the "Class Level" tab in the editor and
select the "Assassin" class. Then use the "Duplicate" button to make a
duplicate copy of it, and change the hit dice to 8 instead of 6.

You should probably name the duplicated class "Assassin (Nothrog)" or
something similar to distinguish it, and you can then add pre-requisites
to make sure a Nothrog doesn't take the normal assassin class.

> 2) the quoted above (hero.tagis[Race.Elf]) doesn't seem to work. At
> least, I'm not sure how to make it work. What I mean is this: I don't
> know how to add in Nothrog (the id I'm using is rNoth for that) to the
> Race. context. Also, when my PC is an Elf, the ability is disabled, and
> when the PC is not an elf, the ability is still disabled. Of course, I'm
> not sure how to set up a script - I don't recall seeing a tutorial on that.

You should be able to add a Race tag by doing the following:

1) Select the Nothrog race in the editor.
2) Scroll down the list to "Counts As Races..." in the "Important Race
Details" section.
3) Click the edit button, then click "Human" (I assume they're human?)
and "New Tag" in the list that pops up. Give the new tag an id of "Nothrog".

The "Race.Nothrog" tag should then be added to the hero whenever you're
a Nothrog.

> 3) In the Class Abilities tab, there is a selection for Source.
> Unfortunately, this is by name and not by id, so I can't pick out which
> of the three (?!) "Assassin" entries is mine.

Ah, that's a good point. I'll change it so that the id is shown as well
as the name.

> Also, I'm not sure where to look to see the Barbarian "Fast Movement"
> ability.

Go to the "Class Special" tab and hit the "New (Copy)" button, then
scroll down the list until you see "Fast Movement". Once you copy the
Fast Movement ability, you can look at all the scripts it has, then
delete it when you're done.

Hope this helps,

Colen McAlister,
Chief Engineer, Lone Wolf Development
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