Thread: Hero Lab Online
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Old June 17th, 2017, 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Farling View Post
This probably because Android developers don't like to follow the Apple attitude of dropping support for devices that are two years old (by issuing iOS updates which only work on "recent" iPhones and iPads).
Android application developers don't have much choice; the chipset creators, phone manufacturers, and carriers don't keep the OS up to date. For devices on the Google Play Store, there's about as many on Jelly Bean (2012) as there are on Nougat (2016), and most are somewhere in the middle. (For contrast, iOS 10 is available on most devices from the same timespan.) Project Treble might improve that, but that's still a couple years down the line given how people replace devices.

As for the rest: storing data in a database doesn't magically make UIs easier. As the RW team found out, neither does picking a framework and controls that look supported on multiple platforms at first glance but actually aren't. I'm not a big fan of moving everything to "the Web" either, but I can't blame them for choosing that way to provide support for more devices.

Last edited by Parody; June 17th, 2017 at 11:29 AM.
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