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Old May 18th, 2017, 10:46 AM
Sorry Azhrei, I disagree. I have multiple players each with a copy of HL. Several GMs run different games concurrently, we want to have ONE place for GMs/Players get a default list of sources for a specific campaign. If this settings file were on a internet that would be even better.

This way as new players join a game it's easy for them to build new PCs and join the game quickly. It would also allow them to check which sources they need to purchase to be compliant with the current set of defaults.

Passing a character file around just doesn't cut it. Especially if the defaults need to change (say if new material is added) or if someone new wants to use a feature that wasn't in the original set of sources. Every player will have to go through every PC in that game and check all their defaults. Ugh, at that point why bother to even HAVE "defaults" as they quickly get out of sync with what the "real" defaults should be.


Me: How bad could it be?
Him: What's the worst that could happen?

Last edited by Kizan; May 18th, 2017 at 11:12 AM.
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