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SPC 2 - How to pick Super Karma Hindrance?


Well-known member
So I've checked the Super Karma box, but any time I add another major hindrance it gives me the "too many hindrances error." I've checked other spots and can't seem to figure out how to do this. Help, please?
I know I used that setting in the last SPC2 game we just ran with my group and had no issues with it. I'll look tomorrow and see if I have any ideas you might be able to try or at least double-check it if I have any issues with it now for any reason.
You didn't by chance select Super Karma under the Super Powers, 1st Edition section, did you? There are are two SPC subsections so you'll need to make sure you are using the right one. I otherwise check and making sure I have SPC2 checked and Super Karma under the SPC2 subsection seems to work just fine for me still.
You didn't by chance select Super Karma under the Super Powers, 1st Edition section, did you? There are are two SPC subsections so you'll need to make sure you are using the right one. I otherwise check and making sure I have SPC2 checked and Super Karma under the SPC2 subsection seems to work just fine for me still.
Checked. It's not that. Can still only select 1 major and 2 minors. Is it not selected in the Hindrances and Edges tab?
All I do is select 2 majors and 2 minors with the character in creation mode and it never complains about it for me. Maybe you could send me the portfolio and I can see if I can figure out your issue from there? You can email it to me at zarlor at acm dot org, if you like.
Okay, the error I have is this:
Genre Hindrance: Maximum of 3 points worth of major and 2 points worth of minor hindrances allowed.
Honestly, I can't tell from that. You'd have to send me a copy of the portfolio that's getting the error. At this point that's probably the only thing I can see that might let me figure out the issue.