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Old May 1st, 2017, 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by ruhar View Post
How do you know it's a "pretty drastic overhaul"? I don't see "Lone Wolf Staff" below your name. And how do you know that "most people would never use and would never understand" how to use internal links? Isn't that a bit presumptuous assuming that most users aren't smart enough to understand it let alone use it? Yes, there are other ways of doing it but it creates a lot of articles to clutter things not to mention the extra work creating the articles. And maybe the client doesn't want each section a separate article, as is my case, because the client feels the user would want all the information of that subject in one article instead of linking to half a dozen articles. All things have pros and cons to them but instead of assuming and shooting something down because you wouldn't do it that way why not offer a suggestion of how you would work around it and leave it at that.
Because of the way the linker behaves. It is fairly obviously just a table of names.

You still have to come up with some way of creating these links. You have explicitly rejected using names. Which means a drastic overhaul of the linker.

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