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Old April 29th, 2017, 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh View Post
You need to explain this more. I am reading the feat right now and it just says "The bonus gained from all of your psicrystal personalities doubles.". So in example +2 becomes +4 and +3 becomes +6. That is what I see the script doing. What I am missing?
You are correct in that that is specifically what the feat does.

However, in the scenario wherein the character has a psicrystal (+3 to an skill), a psicrystal staff (x2) and this mythic feat would have a tripling of the skill bonus, not a x4. This calculation is the same as for crit multiplier (x2 + x2 = x3).

So, +3 originally, +6 with psicrystal staff, +3 again from mythic feat. = +9 total.
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