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Old March 20th, 2017, 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by TobyFox2002 View Post

{Many Code Snippets & References}
Much appreciation for the info. :)

Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh View Post
I advise not doing this at all. Potion Bracers are NOT magic items and do not take up magic equipment slots. So no reason to give "extra" slots for something that takes up zero slots.

The most likely issue here is that you have marked the Potion Bracer as taking up a slot when you should have left it blank. :)
OTOH, it could be argued based on this statement that a suit of mundane armor doesn't occupy the armor slot, thus allowing two suits to be worn so long as only one is magical. ;)

In any case, I'm not sure to track how many of them are being worn at once, so it may be a moot point. The Bandolier states that only two may be used at once, but there's no code in the LWD item to enforce that restriction; they don't have check boxes to indicate that they're being worn, and I can add three of them to a character without HL throwing an error.

For the moment then, I'll yank the wrist slot link and put the restrictions in as an addendum to the canonical descriptive text.

Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh View Post
As you are making custom things in the Editor its own thread would be appreciated. :)
So noted. New thread in the future. Apologies for hijacking this one.

Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh View Post
Can't limit by number of items but weight can be done I think. What I would do is a warning message instead if you have more than three items in the potion bracer. That way the gamer knows there is a limit and they are allowed to easily surpass that if there group/GM allows. I prefer stuff never "hard" stops a gamers because it prevents a person from easily doing houserules.
If there's a way to check for number of items, I'll code it in. If not, then considering how LWD put in the Bandolier (no limits that I can see on what it carries), I'll just leave the Potion Bracer at the 0.3# weight limit. It won't hard limit potions since they're weightless in PF, but it will prevent larger items from hanging off the forearm.

Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh View Post
Sounds pretty cool. I honestly have not looked at the Occult stuff in Pathfinder allot. Can't really give any thoughts on this. To be honest only really matters how the people in your group feel about. :)
Its also my first experience with anything out of OA aside from the Kineticist, so I'll be exploring the game balance issues as I go.

As to my 'group', I'm the only player in this campaign. :D I'm adapting a 3.5 OGL product called 'Dungeon Bash' (by 'The Other Game Company') to Pathfinder usage. It lets you dungeon crawl Solo and/or GM free, sort of like the 1st Edition of Warhammer Quest from the 90s (haven't looked at last year's version). Its one of my ways to pass the time between RW Pathfinder sessions with my friends, and it lets me experiment with new (to me) classes without risking a character that I'm likely to become emotionally invested in. :)
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